Comprehensive building
Comprehensive building
Corporate comprehensive office building
Hull auxiliary building
Hull auxiliary building
The building for production department, QA department, health and safety department.
Training centre
Training centre
Building for staff training, with a building area approximate 7,000 square meters.
Material quay
Material quay
The material quay is 150 meters long, equipped with one 55M/30T bridge crane.
The No.1 dock is 700 meters long, 80 meters wide, which is the longest dock in China, and is equipped with two 800T gantry crane, two 300T jib cranes, and one 70T jib crane.
The No.2 dock is 550 meters long, 68 meters wide.
Sub-assembly shop
Sub-assembly shop
DACKS sub-assembly shop is the largest in Asia, with a building area of 124,000 square meters. Modernized production lines, such as built-up longitudinal line, single panel with longitudinal stiffeners assembly line, parts assembling and welding line, and section steel cutting line, were constructed; advanced facilities, such as plasma cutting machines, laser cutting machines are equipped.
No.1Assembly shop
Assembly shop
No.1 assembly shop, with a building area of 50,000 square meters, was built with welding and assembly line.
No.2Assembly shop
Assembly shop
No.2 assembly shop, with a building area of 42,000 square meters, was equipped with advanced facilities, such as FCB+RF automatic welding machine, and rib plate pressing-in machine.
Pipe shop
Pipe shop
Pipe shop, with a building area of 37,000 square meters, is a workshop of pipe and outfit processing.
No.1Painting shop
Painting shop
No.1 painting shop covers a building area of 27,000 square meters.
No.1Painting shop
Painting shop
No.2 painting shop covers a building area of 15,000 square meters.
No.1Outfitting quay
Outfitting quay
No.1 quay, 420 meters long, is equipped with a 50/80 gantry crane.
No.2Outfitting quay
Outfitting quay
No.2 quay, 420 meters long, is a planning project.
No.3Outfitting quay
Outfitting quay
No.3 quay, 420 meters long, is equipped with a 50/80 gantry crane.